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 National Championships 2015

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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptySat Jan 31, 2015 4:51 pm

The year starts in Namibia:

30-01-2015 NAMIBIA (Otjihase) - ITT - 40 KM
1 MANS Gerhard 56:48
2 SEIBEB Raul Costa +0:12
3 FREYER Martin NAM19951004 +0:26
4 PAPO Xavier +2:36
5 PRETORIUS Michael +4:11

Road race is on sunday
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptySun Feb 01, 2015 10:52 pm

01-02-2015 NAMIBIA (Otjihase) - RR - 135 KM
1 CRAVEN Dan 3:29:01
2 FREYER Martin +4:20
3 PRETORIUS Michael +4:21
4 SEIBEB Raul Costa +7:00
5 HAMUNYELA Johannes +11:07
6 PAPO Xavier +11:08
7 CUFF Ingram +11:08
8 KASHULULU Chiponeni Fiffy +16:33
9 KÖHNE Heinrich +21:45
10 BARTH Joze +27:05
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptySun Mar 01, 2015 2:01 pm

27-02-2015 CHILE (Coyhaique) - ITT - 40 KM
1 BURMANN LITTIN Wolfgang Miguel 49:24
2 CONTRERAS VARGAS Jorge Luis +1:58
3 ALMONACID GONZALEZ Patricio Javier +3:50
4 GUZMAN ORMEÑO Jonathan +3:57
5 VILLALOBOS Danilo +3:59
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptyFri Mar 06, 2015 2:31 pm

01-03-2015 CHILE (Coyhaique) - RR - 160 KM
2 GARRIDO ZENTENO Gonzalo Andres
3 BURMANN LITTIN Wolfgang Miguel
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptySat Mar 07, 2015 6:46 pm

Rory wrote:
01-03-2015 CHILE (Coyhaique) - RR - 160 KM
2 GARRIDO ZENTENO Gonzalo Andres
3 BURMANN LITTIN Wolfgang Miguel

A bit more info on this Championship.
It was a combined race for U-23 and Elite but the Federacion de Chile only gives separate results (here)
The race distance was 144km.

1 RODRIGUEZ AGUILAR Jose Luis 3:44:38
2 REYES JOFRE Sebastian Alejandro (CHI19960215)
3 OLIVARES AGUILERO Carlos Guillermo (CHI19930608)
6 ALMARZA MUÑOZ Juan Francisco (CHI19930311)
7 WESTERMEYER GONDONNEAU Martin Guillermo (CHI19930212)
8 CABRERA DUARTE Juan Pablo (CHI19931008)

1 GARRIDO ZENTENO Gonzalo Andres 3:44:38
2 BURMANN LITTIN Wolfgang Miguel
3 ALVARADO TENEB Adrian Alexander
4 GUZMAN ORMEÑO Jonathan Andres
5 BRAVO MANSILLA Edison Fernando
6 OLIVA NOVOA Cesar Arturo
7 GALLEGOS SAN MARTIN Alexis Enrique (CHI19890731)
9 VILLALOBOS ASTUDILLO Manuel Danilo (CHI19830312)

According to the press Rodriguez won the sprint of a group of three, the other two being Garrido and Burmann.
The remaining U-23 and Elite riders finished at five minutes and more but not clear in which order.
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptySun Mar 08, 2015 12:45 pm

Hans wrote:
01-03-2015 CHILE (Coyhaique) - RR - 160 KM
According to the press Rodriguez won the sprint of a group of three, the other two being Garrido and Burmann.
The remaining U-23 and Elite riders finished at five minutes and more but not clear in which order.

Every year it is the same in Chile. We will probably never know who finished 4th, 5th, etc., unless the UCI publishes the result, but that is wishful thinking.

07-03-2015 URUGUAY (San Ramon) - ITT - 30 KM
1 PIAS TORRES Nestor Fabian 38:48
2 PRESA PIREZ Alan Matias +1:03
3 BRAVO ORONA Jorge Raul +1:09
4 CASTRO GULARTE Bilker +1:20
5 MASCARAÑAS GRANADA Richard Eustaquio +1:27
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptyMon Mar 09, 2015 9:18 pm

08-03-2015 URUGUAY (San Ramon) - RR - 139 KM
1 FERNANDEZ Vagner Geovane
3 PEREZ GHAN Matias Andres URU19870225
4 PIMENTEL LIMA Camilo Matias URU19910507
5 PECULIO WYNANT Enrique URU19970701
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptyThu Mar 19, 2015 12:41 pm

Rory wrote:

Every year it is the same in Chile.
We will probably never know who finished 4th, 5th, etc., unless the UCI publishes the result, but that is wishful thinking.

Sometimes the UCI still comes with positive surprises. They published the (combined) result…
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Number of posts : 653
Registration date : 2009-03-07

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptyThu Mar 19, 2015 11:49 pm

Hans wrote:
Rory wrote:

Every year it is the same in Chile.
We will probably never know who finished 4th, 5th, etc., unless the UCI publishes the result, but that is wishful thinking.

Sometimes the UCI still comes with positive surprises. They published the (combined) result…

Well, actually, one week ago I asked UCI/Infostrada to ask for a combined result, if they would receive the separate lists from the Chilean federation. And they did!

(so thanks Eddy)
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptyMon Apr 06, 2015 1:56 pm

08-03-2015 URUGUAY - RR
The race distance was 159 km (139 km was the distance of the U-23 race)
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptySat Apr 11, 2015 10:24 am

03-04-2015 KUWAIT (Sabhan) - ITT
1 ALALI Saied Jafer KUW19881029 41:46
2 ALSAFFAR Salman Hasan KUW19890126 +2:58
3 ALAJMI Abdulhadi KUW19950502 +4:46
4 AL MUTAIRI Othman KUW19801129 +4:49
5 ALDUWAISAN Saleh KUW19830823 +5:06

04-04-2015 KUWAIT (Sabhan) - RR
1 ALSAFFAR Salman Hasan KUW19890126 2:59:55
2 ALALI Saied Jafer KUW19881029 +0
3 AL MUTAIRI Othman KUW19801129 +4:05
4 ALAJMI Abdulhadi KUW19950502 +4:20
5 ALKHALIFAH Khaled KUW19950423 +4:30
6 ALAKARI Othman KUW19890130 +4:30
7 ALSAFFAR Yaqoub KUW19840821 +4:30
8 ALDUWAISAN Saleh KUW19830823 +4:30
9 NASSAR Othman KUW19840102 +4:30

10-04-2015 ARGENTINA (San Juan) - ITT - 40 KM
1 DURAN Alejandro Antonio 48:56
2 MEDICI Matias +1:09
3 LUCERO Juan Ariel +2:16
4 RAMOS Ruben Gabriel +2:20
5 MULLER Mauricio Waldemar +2:36
6 VELAZQUEZ Hugo Angel +3:48
7 VALENZUELA Diego Gaston ARG19820503 +3:57
8 ROMERO Cristian Nahuel ARG19911008 +4:48
9 RONCO Isidro +5:29
10 VALENCIA Maximiliano ARG19920304 +5:33
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptySun Apr 12, 2015 6:02 pm

11-04-2015 SWAZILAND (Nhlangano) - RR - 94 KM
1 DUNN Darren 2:57:54
2 WARING Joseph SWZ19720828 +0:00
3 NYONI Similo SWZ19950629 +0:01
4 KELLY William SWZ +0:01
5 ZWANE Mduduzi SWZ +0:01

12-04-2015 ARGENTINA (San Juan) - RR - 194.4 KM
1 JUAREZ Daniel Omar 4:13:12
2 BIONDO Lionel +0:00
3 NAVARRETE Maximiliano Ezequiel +0:00
4 MULLER Mauricio Waldemar +0:00
5 ARONE Claudio Marcelo +0:00
6 SCHREINER Mario Jose +0:00
7 RAMOS Ruben Gabriel +0:00
8 LUCERO SOSA Alfredo Orlando +0:00
9 VALENZUELA Diego Gaston ARG19820503 +0:15
10 TORRES Matias Ismael +0:23
11 JULIO Ricardo Daniel +0:23
12 JUAREZ Emanuel Alejandro +0:23
13 VILUGRON Nelson Matias ARG19771106 +0:23
14 PEREYRA Elias Damian +0:23
15 DURAN Rodrigo +0:54
16 FRAYSSE Agustin Sebastian +1:21
17 FREDES Sergio Omar ARG19920121 +1:21
18 LUCERO Higinio Daniel ARG19900808 +1:21
19 ALVAREZ Alberto Dario ARG19900130 +2:04
20 DIFEO Mariano Sebastian +2:04

Last edited by Rory on Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptySun Apr 12, 2015 11:52 pm

Rory wrote:
11-04-2015 SWAZILAND (Nhlangano) - RR - 94 KM
4 KELLY William SWZ19660702 (source, even with a picture) +0:01
5 ZWANE Mduduzi SWZ19960227 +0:01
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptyTue Apr 14, 2015 12:56 am

05-04-2015 TOGO (Lomé) - RR - 102 KM
1 AKANGA Abdou Raouf 3:06:00
2 DAKU Edem +0:32
3 DOSSOUVI Komi TOG +0:43
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptySun Apr 26, 2015 11:33 am

25-04-2015 BARBADOS (Mile & A Quarter) - ITT - 40 KM
1 ELCOCK Russell 50:21
2 KELLY Joshua BAR19960304 +0:56
3 MATTHEWS Darren +3:15
4 MAYNARD Ian +8:14
5 GRIFFITH Darwin +11:44

26-04-2015 BARBADOS (Saint Philip) - RR - 130 KM
2 CLARKE Philip
3 ELCOCK Russell
4 SUTHERLAND Edwin BAR19960829
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Number of posts : 438
Registration date : 2009-09-25

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptyWed Apr 29, 2015 10:47 am

The point of the national championship of Swaziland seems to be a bit too high.

LeonCQ wrote:
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptySat May 02, 2015 3:50 pm

01-05-2015 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (Umm al-Quwain) - ITT - 30 KM
1 BANIHAMMAD Badr Mohamed Mirza 35:44
2 AL MURAWWI Mohammed Hasan +0:04
3 BANIHAMMAD Yousif Mirza +1:03

02-05-2015 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (Al Khawaneej) - RR - 96 KM
1 BANIHAMMAD Yousif Mirza
2 BANIHAMMAD Badr Mohamed Mirza
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptySat May 09, 2015 12:58 am

08-05-2015 CYPRUS (Perivolia) - ITT - 20 KM
1 MILTIADIS Andreas 26:42
2 CHRISTODOULOS Michael +0:14
3 CHRISTOFI Andreas +1:18
4 KATHIDJIOTIS Charalambos CYP19870601 +1:29
5 ARCHIMANDRITIS Armanto +1:47
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptySun May 10, 2015 8:23 pm

10-05-2015 CYPRUS (Alambra) - RR
1 CHRISTODOULOS Michael 3:01:51
2 AGROTIS Alexandros CYP19980713 +0:00
3 THYMIDES Constantinos CYP19860830 +0:00
4 PATSALOSAVVIS Odysseas CYP19980307 +0:00
5 POLYS Valerias CYP19980619 +0:00
6 CHRISTOFI Andreas +0:00
7 DEMOSTHENOUS Constantinos CYP19851016 +0:00
8 VALENTINOS Demetriou CYP19940830 +0:00
9 PETROU Kyriacos CYP19970610 +0:00
10 THOMA Evangelos CYP19971005 +0:00

10-05-2015 ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA - ITT - 30.6 KM
1 MARSH Robert Frances 44:35
2 SPENCER Marvin +0:16
3 SIMON Andre +3:03
4 DEGROOT Dwayne +3:54
5 ANTHONY Wendell +6:04
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptyWed May 13, 2015 6:07 pm

12-05-2015 IRAN (Tehran) - ITT - 35 (?) KM
1 ASKARI Hossein 37:54
2 HAGHI Alireza +1:30

13-05-2015 IRAN (Tehran) - RR - 130 KM
1 MALEKI Behnam
4 ALIZADEH Hossein
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptyFri May 15, 2015 10:56 am

Complete results of the Iranian championships:

12-05-2015 IRAN (Tehran) - ITT - 30 KM
1 ASKARI Hossein IRI19750323 37:54
2 HAGHI Alireza IRI19790208 +1:30
3 MOAZEMI GOUDARZI Arvin IRI19900326 +1:34
4 POURSEYEDIGOLAKHOUR Mirsamad IRI19851015 +1:39
5 ZARGARI Amir IRI19800731 +2:26
6 KHALILIKHOSROSHAHI Behnam IRI19890207 +2:30
7 CHAICHI Esmail IRI19941027 +3:14
8 RAJABI Mehdi IRI19940320 +3:27
9 SAFARZADEH Saeid IRI19850921 +3:43
10 ESMAEILZADE Dariush IRI19940117 +3:57
11 ARIYAN Behnam IRI19900411 +4:30
12 KHADEMI Ali IRI19920101 +4:33
13 MOSTAFAVI Mousa IRI19911201 +5:01
14 KOLAHDOZHAGH Amir IRI19930107 +5:45
16 REZAEI Ali IRI19910111 +6:26
17 TAYHOURIBADKHOR Hadi IRI19860824 +7:02
18 KOKABI Sajjad IRI19960204 +7:24
19 ROKANI Keyvan IRI19960629 +7:49
20 EYNOL VAND Saeid IRI19880727 +8:22

13-05-2015 IRAN (Tehran) - RR - 130 KM
1 MALEKI Behnam IRI19920122 2:54:58
2 KAZEMI Ahad IRI19750522 +0:22
3 MOAZEMI GOUDARZI Arvin IRI19900326 +0:23
4 ALIZADEH Hossein IRI19880124 +0:52
5 KOLAHDOZHAGH Amir IRI19930107 +0:52
6 SAFARZADEH Saeid IRI19850921 +1:23
7 KHORSHID Khalil IRI19880610 +1:23
8 KHADEMI Ali IRI19920101 +1:23
9 EMAMI Rahim IRI19820517 +1:23
10 SOHRABI Mehdi IRI19811012 +2:22
11 SHIRISISAN Hamid IRI19820321 +2:22
12 ZARGARI Amir IRI19800731 +2:22
13 JAHANBANIAN Kamnabi Hossein IRI19760402 +2:22
14 POURSEYEDIGOLAKHOUR Mirsamad IRI19851015 +3:12
15 ASKARI Hossein IRI19750323 +3:12
16 PASBANKHAJEH Hamed IRI19880923 +3:12
17 NAZARI DAGHALIAN Abolfazl IRI19910504 +4:22
18 MEHRABANI AZAR Ramin IRI19860218 +4:22
19 ARIYAN Behnam IRI19900411 +4:22
20 EIMANIGOLOUJEH Mohammadreza IRI19930615 +6:27
21 ARMOON Mehdi IRI19890812 +6:27
22 SEYEDGHALICHI Seyedmiladmohammad IRI19861211 +10:02
23 NEMATI KHIAVI Ali IRI19851223 +10:32
24 RAHMANIBEIRAGH Mohsen IRI19890307 +10:32
25 SOLTANI Behrouz IRI19920317 +11:17
26 RAJABLOU Mohammad IRI19850406 +12:14
27 RAJABI Mehdi IRI19940320 +12:37
28 EBADALLAHIRAFSANJANI Mehdi IRI19950405 +12:37
29 CHAICHI Esmail IRI19941027 +13:42
30 GHODRATI Yasin IRI19940307 +13:47
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptySat May 16, 2015 11:04 pm

14-05-2015 EGYPT (Port Said) - RR - 120 KM
1 SHAWKY Talaat Islam 3:11:07
2 IMAM Mohamed +0:00
3 RAMADAN Islam EGY +0:00
If you want to know the complete result, all you will have to do is translate this document Smile

15-05-2015 SYRIA (Tartus) - RR - 40 KM
1 JASER Nazir
2 HABASH Yalmaz
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptyMon May 18, 2015 10:40 pm

15-05-2015 AZERBAIJAN (Ganja) - ITT - 40 KM
1 ASADOV Elchin

16-05-2015 SYRIA (Tartus) - ITT - 15 KM
1 JASER Nazir
3 HABASH Yalmaz

16-05-2015 AZERBAIJAN (Ganja) - RR - 128 KM
1 AVERIN Maksym
2 ASADOV Elchin
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptyTue May 19, 2015 1:02 am

The UCI just posted the full results of the Azerbaijani championships, and apparently the time trial happened on the 13th instead of 17th of May. Additionally, the road race took place one day earlier, on the 15th of May.

13-05-2015 AZERBAIJAN (Ganja) - ITT - 40 KM (Note that we have a different victor)
1 AVERIN Maksym 56:50
2 ASADOV Elchin +0:08
3 JABRAYILOV Samir +2:08
4 ISGANDAROV Tural +3:32
5 ALAKBAROV Mahammad +4:03

15-05-2015 AZERBAIJAN (Ganja) - RR - 128 KM
1 AVERIN Maksym 3:41:31
2 ASADOV Elchin +0:00
3 JABRAYILOV Samir +3:24
4 ALIZADA Elgun +7:40
5 ASANOV Enver +7:40
6 ISGANDAROV Tural +12:56
7 NAGHIYEV Elvin +14:57
8 ILYASOV Ismayil +16:23
9 ILTIFATLI Axkhan +20:15
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Number of posts : 1174
Registration date : 2012-01-19

National Championships 2015 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2015   National Championships 2015 EmptyTue May 19, 2015 1:04 am

Rory wrote:
15-05-2015 AZERBAIJAN (Ganja) - ITT - 40 KM
1 ASADOV Elchin

16-05-2015 SYRIA (Tartus) - ITT - 15 KM
1 JASER Nazir
3 HABASH Yalmaz

16-05-2015 AZERBAIJAN (Ganja) - RR - 128 KM
1 AVERIN Maksym
2 ASADOV Elchin

The results of the National Championships of Azerbaijan are available on the UCI website and give Maksym AVERIN as winner of both the ITT and the RR.
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