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 National Championships 2016

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stephane david
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Number of posts : 797
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptyFri Feb 05, 2016 10:52 pm

New year, new national championships. After Australia and New Zealand, we have arrived in Namibia:

05-02-2016 NAMIBIA (Windhoek) - ITT - 32.4 KM
1 DROBISCH Till 44:49
2 CRAVEN Dan +0:42
3 MANS Gerhard +1:38
4 SEIBEB Raul Costa +1:59
5 PETRUS Lotto +2:55

Road race is next sunday, covering a distance of 126 KM.
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Number of posts : 797
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptySun Feb 07, 2016 3:49 pm

Complete results (elite + U23) of the Namibian RR championship:

07-02-2016 NAMIBIA (Windhoek) - RR - 126 KM
1 CRAVEN Dan 3:19:38
2 DROBISCH Till +0:00
3 SEIBEB Raul Costa +0:00
4 PETRUS Lotto +10:54
5 PAPO Xavier +10:54
6 BARTH Joze +10:55
7 DE KOE Denzel +10:55
8 CUFF Ingram +15:37
9 NEUMANN Horst +20:52
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptyThu Feb 11, 2016 10:00 pm

National Championships South Africa - ITT
18 Christoff VAN HEERDEN > Steven VAN HEERDEN
Correct link to Race Website: http://www.cyclingsa.com/2016-sa-road-champs/
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptySat Feb 13, 2016 1:34 am

Championships Namibia - RR
The UCI result also gives 10-13 but without time gaps. Maybe taken out of the race a lap before the finish.
Official number 10 is Johannes HAMUNYELA.
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptyMon Feb 15, 2016 7:42 pm

Championships South Africa - RR
21. SLABBERT Wian-David (RSA19951208, @SkinnyWianDavid) at +3’02”
Rest one rank down.

LeonCQ wrote:
thanks, all corrected
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptyFri Feb 19, 2016 1:05 pm

Cycling South Africa have published the complete results of the National Championships (link)
The Elite and U23 riders are in separate tables, but the first column gives for each rider the position in this combined event.
Several U23 riders who were in the preliminary result have disappeared (Ockhuis, Carstens, Bonthuys, Pelser, Slabbert)

The UCI gives in the official result only the Elite riders, contrary to their own rule which clearly states: Where elite and under 23 men compete in their national championships in the same event, points shall be awarded according to their position in the event classification.
Edit: The UCI must be working on it, because they removed the result again from their site.
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptySat Feb 20, 2016 9:46 pm

19-02-2016 COLOMBIA - ITT

Do not know what the CQ depth rule is for an NCT2 but in the combined Elite and U23 result there are 60 riders classified.
(Consolidation of the separate results published here)

1 COL19920416 VARGAS, Walter Alejandro ELITE 00:42:08
2 COL19921120 RAMIREZ, Brayan Stiven ELITE  45
3 COL19890417 RENDON, Juan Pablo ELITE  1:10
4 COL19940204 LOPEZ, Miguel Angel ELITE  1:22
5 COL19941026 RAMIREZ, Carlos Mario SUB23  1:22
6 COL19891125 MENDOZA, Omar Alberto ELITE  1:25
7 COL19880810 OYOLA, Robigzon Leandro ELITE  1:28
8 COL19890404 PAREDES, Jonathan Felipe ELITE  1:53
9 COL19861007 HERRERA, Pedro Antonio ELITE  2:02
10 COL19920123 MESA, Juan Martin ELITE  2:10
11 COL19870828 OSORIO, Frank Yair ELITE  2:14
12 COL19860925 SUAZA, Jaime ELITE  2:20
13 COL19930605 OCHOA, Diego Antonio ELITE  2:30
14 COL19910726 CHAPARRO, Yeison Andres ELITE  2:32
15 COL19950125 ESTRADA, Eduardo SUB23  2:34
16 COL19911107 BARON, Felix Alejandro ELITE  2:41
17 COL19910921 CARO, Sebastian Orlando ELITE  2:42
18 COL19960221 FLOREZ, Miguel Eduardo SUB23  2:42
19 COL19940819 DIAZ, Edward Fabian SUB23  2:50
20 COL19941119 GOMEZ, Bryan Steven SUB23  2:51
21 COL19860305 QUINTERO, Carlos Julian ELITE  2:54
22 COL19960320 MUÑOZ, Cristian Camilo SUB23  2:57
23 COL19890422 JIMENEZ, Jose ELITE  3:07
24 COL19960920 GARCIA CASTAÑEDA, Mateo SUB23  3:11
25 COL19831115 BALSERO, Daniel Fernando ELITE  3:28
26 COL19940222 RODRIGUEZ, Wilson Enrique SUB23  3:34
27 COL19940603 SANCHEZ, Brayan Stiven SUB23 3:35
28 COL19960117 LIEVANO BOTERO, Carlos Andres SUB23  3:44
29 COL19810121 SANDOVAL, Edwin Alexa ELITE  3:54
30 COL19940401 CASTRO, Wilmar Andres SUB23  3:55
31 COL19891121 AVILA, Edwin Alcibiades ELITE  4:12
32 COL19940616 RUIZ, Diego Fernando SUB23  4:13
33 COL19900525 SORACA CABEZAS, Diego Armando ELITE  4:18
34 COL19970718 MOLANO, Julian David SUB23  4:19
35 COL19940117 MUÑOZ, William SUB23  4:27
36 COL19971226 AVELLANEDA SANDOVAL, Daniel Eduardo SUB23  4:28
37 COL19960628 NAVARRETE, Edy Martin SUB23  4:30
38 COL19920205 SORACA CABEZAS, Jhon Edison ELITE  4:32
39 COL19940703 QIROZ, Oscar Adalbert SUB23  4:34
40 COL19930613 ORTIZ AGUIRRE, Jorge Eduardo ELITE  4:39
41 COL19971118 GOYENECHE, Elkin Rafa SUB23  4:43
42 COL19950802 AMAYA GARCIA, Camilo Andres SUB23  5:22
43 COL19940221 SIERRA MOLANO, Cristian Andres SUB23  5:24
44 COL19940413 SORACA CABEZAS, Ruberth Alexa SUB23  5:28
45 COL19960413 GUZMAN, Andres Felipe SUB23  5:33
46 COL19910324 SIGUA, Edwin Jair ELITE  5:33
47 COL19961210 HOYOS, Juan Diego SUB23  6:14
48 COL19940724 CASTILLO ATARA, Yeison Andres SUB23  6:18
49 COL19940709 PAZ, Mario Alejandro SUB23  6:18
50 COL19921204 SARMIENTO, Johnatan Fernando ELITE  6:37
51 COL19950803 GONZALEZ AVILA, Jose Afranio SUB23  6:44
52 COL19920208 GUERRERO, Rodrigo Andres ELITE  7:01
53 COL19950613 BERNAL SANCHEZ, Banzer Tomas SUB23  8:20
54 COL19950314 CERQUERA, William Antonio SUB23  8:24
55 COL19950504 OSPINA ZAPATA, Esteban SUB23  8:38
56 COL19930208 GARCIA ALVAREZ, Nicolas David ELITE  8:41
57 COL19960813 GOMEZ, Nelson SUB23 9:09
58 COL19971229 GONZALEZ, Jose Daniel SUB23  10:23
59 COL19950226 LOZANO, Juan Gabriel SUB23  11:18
60 COL19870319 QUINTERO, Jeison Mauricio ELITE  14:43
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptyMon Feb 22, 2016 7:50 pm

Hans wrote:
Cycling South Africa have published the complete results of the National Championships (link)
The Elite and U23 riders are in separate tables, but the first column gives for each rider the position in this combined event.
Several U23 riders who were in the preliminary result have disappeared (Ockhuis, Carstens, Bonthuys, Pelser, Slabbert)

The UCI gives in the official result only the Elite riders, contrary to their own rule which clearly states: Where elite and under 23 men compete in their national championships in the same event, points shall be awarded according to their position in the event classification.
Edit: The UCI must be working on it, because they removed the result again from their site.

The UCI finally published the combined Elite and U23 result.
It is the same as CQ, except the order of 18/19/20 and 26/27/28.

LeonCQ wrote:
Corrected. Although I think the ranking column in the CyclingSA-result are more reliable than the UCI interpretation...
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptyMon Feb 22, 2016 10:32 pm

LeonCQ wrote:
Corrected. Although I think the ranking column in the CyclingSA-result are more reliable than the UCI interpretation...
I fully agree...
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Number of posts : 797
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptyFri Feb 26, 2016 11:09 am

24-02-2016 INDIA (Sabarimala) - ITT - 40 KM
1 PANWAR Arvind 1:01:48
2 BISHNOI Manohar IND +1:54
3 RAVINDRA Karende IND +1:55
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Number of posts : 797
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptySun Feb 28, 2016 4:21 am

27-02-2016 INDIA (Sabarimala) - RR - 120 KM
1 SINGH Manjeet 2:48:08
2 KUMAR SINGH Atul +0:00
3 PANWAR Arvind +0:00
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Number of posts : 797
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptySun Mar 27, 2016 11:23 am

25-03-2016 CHILE (Linares) - ITT - 40 KM
1 RODRIGUEZ AGUILAR Jose Luis +49:37
2 MUÑOZ TAPIA Matias Alejandro CHI19951207 +0:43
3 ALMONACID GONZALEZ Patricio Javier +1:56
4 TAPIA VARGAS Atilio Maximiliano CHI +2:53
5 BUSTAMENTE ARAVALES German Alfredo +3:26
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Number of posts : 797
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptyMon Mar 28, 2016 10:05 am

13-02-2016 CONGO (Mbuji-Mayi) - ITT - 15 KM
2 ASLAN Sidis +0:32
3 MATONDO MIMBOLE Bebeka +0:34
4 NDJANDJA MUSUYE Christian +0:39
5 KITOKO NZITA Popol +1:09

14-02-2016 CONGO (Mbuji-Mayi) - RR - 148 KM
1 MOHINDO KIAVIRO Jimmy COD19960405 4:09:00
6 ASLAN Sidis
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptyWed Mar 30, 2016 2:58 pm

28-02-2016 URUGUAY - RR
Tried to find more info about this championship but the local media only give the first five as shown in the CQ result.
The Uruguayan Federation gives no result at all.
It is reported that ARACHICHU and GUERES escaped out of a group of ten and sprinted for the title.
On places 6-10 finished SASSO FERNANDEZ Raul Andres, BRAVO ORONA Jorge Raul, FLORES TERRA Leonel Nicolas, PINTOS RODRIGUEZ Pablo Daniel and MEMOLI MENDEZ Victor Hugo, but not clear in which order.
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptyWed Mar 30, 2016 3:20 pm

27-03-2016 CHILE (Linares) - RR - 160 km
The site of the Federacion Ciclista de Chile ( http://fecichile.cl , to be changed under Useful Links) only gives:
1 BRAVO MANSILLA Edison Fernando 4h00’55”
2 PALMA SANTOS Pedro Amauri
3 GALLARDO GALLEGUILOS Javier (CHI19850904) +3’01”
1 MUÑOZ TAPIA Matias Alejandro 4h00’55”

Obviously it was a combined race, with the first two Elite and the first three (or more) U-23 riders sprinting for the title(s), but also the Chileans have the bad habit of not publishing a combined result.
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Number of posts : 653
Registration date : 2009-03-07

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptyThu Mar 31, 2016 10:45 pm

Hans wrote:
27-03-2016 CHILE (Linares) - RR - 160 km
The site of the Federacion Ciclista de Chile ( http://fecichile.cl , to be changed under Useful Links) only gives:
1 BRAVO MANSILLA Edison Fernando 4h00’55”
2 PALMA SANTOS Pedro Amauri
3 GALLARDO GALLEGUILOS Javier (CHI19850904) +3’01”
1 MUÑOZ TAPIA Matias Alejandro 4h00’55”

Obviously it was a combined race, with the first two Elite and the first three (or more) U-23 riders sprinting for the title(s), but also the Chileans have the bad habit of not publishing a combined result.

I found some pictures that might show the finishing order:

U23 Podium
National Championships 2016 Ciclistas

Elite winner E.Bravo:
National Championships 2016 Edison-Bravo-ganador-Elite-Gran-Fondo-Foto-Bill-Torres

U23 winner M.Munoz:
National Championships 2016 Mat%C3%ACas-Mu%C3%B1oz-ganador-Sub-23-Gran-Fondo-Foto-Bill-Torres2

Edison Bravo must be finishing first, because on that pic the spectators are watching the sprint behind him. Missing is Pedro Palma, but at the last pic, there is a shadow behind the wheels of the rider on the right, that could be the fifth rider. But that rider might also be the 4th u23-rider. scratch

So I guess this is the finishing order:

1 BRAVO MANSILLA Edison Fernando 4h00’55”
2 MUÑOZ TAPIA Matias Alejandro
5??? PALMA SANTOS Pedro Amauri
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Number of posts : 797
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptyFri Apr 01, 2016 5:48 pm

The Chilean Cycling Federation just published the full results of their national championships on its website (http://fecichile.cl/portal/2016/03/31/resultados-47-campeonato-nacional-de-ruta-2016/). However, they didn't bother to add the time differences or combine the elite with the u23 riders. Mad
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Number of posts : 797
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptyThu Apr 07, 2016 9:38 am

UAE's recently completed national RR championships were held in and around the town of Kalba, covering a total distance of 80 km. BANIHAMMAD Yousif Mirza's winning time was 01:58:48.
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Number of posts : 797
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptySun Apr 10, 2016 10:50 am

09-04-2016 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (Al Qudra) - ITT - 29.4 KM
1 BANIHAMMAD Yousif Mirza 36:39
2 ALMANSOORI Ahmed +2:09
3 AL MURAWWI Mohammed Hasan
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Number of posts : 797
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptyMon Apr 11, 2016 1:08 pm

09-04-2016 SWAZILAND (Nhlangano) - RR - 100 KM
1 PHIRI Sicelo SWZ1991 2:57:36
2 NYONI Similo +1:49
3 ZWANE Mduduzi +1:50
4 DUNN Darren +2:04
5 MHLANGA Sifiso +2:19
6 KELAOTSWE Tefo SWZ +2:23
7 WILLIAM Kelly SWZ19660702 +4:39
8 MSIBI Sibusiso SWZ +4:39
9 TEBONEGO Thapelo SWZ +6:37
10 RUDD Morgan SWZ19790528 +7:47

09-04-2016 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (Al Qudra) - ITT - 29.4 KM
1 BANIHAMMAD Yousif Mirza 36:49
2 ALMANSOORI Ahmed +0:28
3 AL MURAWWI Mohammed Hasan +0:54
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptyTue Apr 12, 2016 1:47 pm

Rory wrote:
09-04-2016 SWAZILAND (Nhlangano) - RR - 100 KM
8 MSIBI Sibusiso SWZ +4:39
9 TEBONEGO Thapelo SWZ +6:37

MSIBI Sibusiso (id25569) is in the database as AMSIBI Sibusiso (id24684). Correct spelling is without “A”. Code: SWZ19801206

TEBONEGO Thapelo (id25568) is probably SEBONEGO Thapelo from Botswana ( https://www.facebook.com/thapelo.sebonego and https://twitter.com/sebonegoratsie ).  His year of birth is 1978.
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptyTue Apr 19, 2016 12:25 am

17-04-2016 ARGENTINA – RR – 180 km
10 GONZALEZ Jorge Martin (id 25585, ARG19910219)
14 TRAUTNER German Dario (id 25586, ARG19890228)
15 SCHREINER Mario Jose (id 7703, id 25587 can be deleted)
16 CABRERA Emanuel (id 25588, ARG19860908)
19 GALVANO Alexis (id 25589, ARG19930201)

Note: I have put the UCI codes in this topic because for the last month there is no follow up under Rider Data (nor Team Data). Surprised
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptyTue Apr 19, 2016 10:59 am

Hans wrote:
17-04-2016 ARGENTINA – RR – 180 km
10 GONZALEZ Jorge Martin (id 25585, ARG19910219)
The result has the wrong Jorge GONZALEZ (from Panama) on 10….
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptyThu Apr 21, 2016 9:32 pm

The UCI published the results of the RR Championships of Egypt held 17/03/2016. link
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Number of posts : 797
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2016   National Championships 2016 EmptyMon May 02, 2016 1:06 pm

30-04-2016 BARBADOS (Saint Philip) - RR - 130 KM
1 KELLY Joshua
2 ELCOCK Russell

01-05-2016 BARBADOS (Saint Philip) - ITT - 40 KM
1 ELCOCK Russell 55:11
2 KELLY Joshua +0:44
3 KELLY Jesse BAR19940311 +3:57
4 CLARKE Philip +5:14
5 EDWARDS Wayne BAR +7:46
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