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 Special name standards per country

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Number of posts : 653
Registration date : 2009-03-07

Special name standards per country Empty
PostSubject: Special name standards per country   Special name standards per country EmptySat Feb 24, 2018 12:26 am

Topic for explanation and standardisation of specific family name and given name sequences per country and/or language.

In the past years there have been many posts regarding the most common way to show the names of riders from specific countries. CQ has mostly followed these propositions, so we will summarize these posts here.

With special thanks to Hans for his searches all over the world!

Last edited by LeonCQ on Sat Feb 24, 2018 12:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 653
Registration date : 2009-03-07

Special name standards per country Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special name standards per country   Special name standards per country EmptySat Feb 24, 2018 1:43 am

Spain (and all Spanish-speaking countries)

The Spanish standard is FATHER MOTHER Given, written with the Ñ, but without the emphazing accents like á, é, í, etc

RODRIGUEZ is father's name
OLIVER is mother's name

Portugal/Brazil (and other Portuguese-speaking countries))
(by Hans)

The names of the Portuguese and Brazilian riders in the database should all be arranged like the Portuguese standard (FATHER Given Mother), written without Da, De, Des or Dos and without accents, except for the ç and Ç

LeonCQ: sometimes we make an exception, when media sources show that the rider consequently uses his mother's name as main familyname. In these cases we will show his name like 'MOTHER FATHER Given'

Example: PAULINHO Sergio Miguel Moreira
PAULINHO is father's name
Moreira is mother's name


Many Dutch riders have 2 or 3 baptised names and a family name in their passport. We only use the given name, which is mostly the same as the first baptised name, or derived from that name.

(by Frenchfan)

You could replace the Å by the AA. They are the same letters and have the same pronunciation.

LeonCQ: So not a single A instead of the CQ-unused Å - but a double AA !

(by Frenchfan)

NOMMELA Aksel: It is not a "ö" but a "õ", which denotes an unrounded /o/. The Estonian "ö" is pronounced like in German.

LeonCQ: CQ shows the ö as an "ö" but the õ as an "o".

(by Hans)

The correct spelling and sequence of names of riders from Ethiopia and Eritrea will remain an eternal puzzle, also for another reason: Surnames or family names do not exist.
According to the naming convention in Ethiopia and Eritrea a person is known by: A (given name or first name), B (father’s first name) and C (grandfather’s first name).

The chosen sequence is: FATHER’S NAME, Given name, Grandfather’s name.

The names can be found in this list of Ethiopian and Eritrean (Amharic) names.
Possible differences might be caused by using different systems for the transliteration of Amharic into roman characters as, according to this table, there are at least ten different systems to do so.

(by Hans)

An attempt to put some consistency in the Kenyan names:
The principle is SURNAME, First name, Middle name.
Surnames were introduced by the British during the colonial time, the middle name is the “Kenyan” first name given at birth and the first name is added at the time of baptism (often a “Western” name).

(by Hans)

An attempt to bring some consistency in the Chinese names in the CQ database:

There are several methods for the Romanization of Chinese characters, but the official system is Pinyin.
A Chinese family name, generally one Chinese character, is transcribed as one word and comes first.
The Chinese given names are one or often two Chinese characters and come after the family name. Even in the case of two characters the official Pinyin transcription is spelled in one single two syllable word without hyphen. This rule is most of the time followed in the Peoples Republic of China whilst Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore often neglect this rule and “westernise” the transcription of the two characters by creating two given names.
Hyphens between the two given names were used by other transcription systems. According to Pinyin the second word should in that case start with a small letter rather than with a capital.

With the 160 riders from Hong Kong and Taiwan the Pinyin rules are consistently ignored and they are in the database with two separate given names. With the Singaporean riders from Chinese origin the rules are also ignored. In some cases an English first name has been added or is simply replacing the Chinese first name. The same is actually the case with some riders from Hong Kong.

LeonCQ: so the standards are:
AAA Bbbccc for China
AAA Bbb Ccc for Taiwan, Hongkong and Singapore

(by Hans)

There are three ways to “romanize” the Korean (Hangul) given names, which generally consist of two Hangul characters.
Actually the most commonly used method is neither the two syllables separate, nor the two written in one word, but the two linked by a hyphen with the second syllable not capatalized.

Example, the infamous North Korean presidents KIM Jong-il and his son KIM Jong-un.
You also find the spelling KIM Jong Il and KIM Jong Un, rarely KIM Jongil or KIM Jongun.

In the CQ database the names of the Korean riders were a few years ago a mix of the three methods. As the majority were with two capitalized separate syllables, the other riders spelled with the given names in one word or hyphenated were changed for consistency. After that, new riders were added also using the method of two separate syllables. Suggest to keep it that way.

LeonCQ: we have chosen the separate syllables, but I think the method like "KIM Jong-un" would be more correct. Maybe  we will find some time to make 250 corrections...

(by Hans)

The riders from Myanmar in the database have either one, two or even three names in capitals as “family name”. However, the peculiarity of Myanmar is that there are no family or surnames. Everybody has just a series of up to five single syllable given names.
Alphabetical indexing is according to the first of these given names.
To incorporate this naming system in the CQ database I suggest that this first given name is put in capitals and the rest in small. As most database entries were made under the assumption that the last of the given names was the family name also the sequence becomes different.

(by Hans)

As a heritage of their colonial past, the naming custom in the Philippines include the mother’s name as a middle name.
Although not always used, you find for several riders their complete name in the results.
That gives for CQ: FATHER’s name, Given name(s), Mother’s name

(by Frenchfan)

As a general rule, in Belarus names compared to Russian ones, final "V"'s become "U"'s and "G"'s become "H"'s. Final "O"'s in names ending in "ENKO" become "A"'s.

LeonCQ: welcome to the course "understanding the pronounciation of SIUTSOU for Dummies"

(to be continued, still have to find the posts about some other countries)[/color][/b][/color][/b]

Last edited by LeonCQ on Sun Feb 25, 2018 3:05 am; edited 3 times in total
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