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 Updated excel extracts

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2 posters

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2021-11-09

Updated excel extracts  Empty
PostSubject: Updated excel extracts    Updated excel extracts  EmptyTue Nov 09, 2021 9:31 pm


Is it possible to get updated excel extracts where the riders that received a doping ban are omitted?

If, for example, you'd download the results from 20111231, Contador was the number 2. When you look at the result page on the site you can see some point / ranking changes that have been caused by the removal of his results.

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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

Updated excel extracts  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Updated excel extracts    Updated excel extracts  EmptyMon Nov 22, 2021 6:40 pm

Timodej wrote:

Is it possible to get updated excel extracts where the riders that received a doping ban are omitted?

If, for example, you'd download the results from 20111231, Contador was the number 2. When you look at the result page on the site you can see some point / ranking changes that have been caused by the removal of his results.


If you go in the menu on the CQ homepage to Subrankings you find end of year rankings for Riders, and also for Teams and Countries, in which the DQs are taken into account. These end of year rankings are updated after DQs, or other corrections, are entered in the results database.
The ranking excel sheets under Downloads are created weekly, immediately after a race, at a moment when possible DQs are not known yet. Re-editing these excel sheets each time DQs are imposed by the UCI as part of a doping sentence would be a job without end.
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