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 Search engine optimization

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Number of posts : 358
Registration date : 2009-08-16

Search engine optimization Empty
PostSubject: Search engine optimization   Search engine optimization EmptySun Aug 16, 2009 2:54 pm

I think it would be nice if CQ would be one of the highest ranked cycling web sites. One of the tricks could be to include the name of the rider in the URL of his page. For example Lance Armstrong's URL is now: http://www.cqranking.com/men/asp/gen/rider.asp?riderid=7
The optimized URL could be http://www.cqranking.com/men/riders/7/Lance_Armstrong.html which can be achieved via URL rewrites (seamless, not via redirections).

As a start you might want to consider not redirecting the home page, but use URL rewriting for this as well. Home page redirection is often seen as misleading a search engine. Or at least: the home page is your main page, which does not have any content.
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