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 Doping sanctions, wrong stage names

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Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2012-12-10

Doping sanctions, wrong stage names Empty
PostSubject: Doping sanctions, wrong stage names   Doping sanctions, wrong stage names EmptyMon Dec 10, 2012 5:01 am


Just wanted to let noticed a couple of mistakes I've seen concerning two riders:

- NICACIO Pedro Autran Dourado Dutra has tested positive for EPO during the 2010 Tour de Santa Catarina, more specifically in April 23rd (which would be after stage 2 - and despite that he couldn't get anything worth of mention in the race Razz ). He got the results since then disqualified and got banned for 2 years, from July 9th 2010 to July 9th 2012.

- VANDEIRA Verinaldo Pereira also tested positive for EPO in the 2011 Brazilian National Championships RR, in which he'd initially finished 3rd. He also lost all results since the date of the control (June 26th 2011), and got banned for 2 years from August 18th 2011 to August 18th 2013.

There's the official source document for both, in Portuguese, but as a new member apparently I can't post external links (wise decision btw Wink)

Lastly, some stage names are wrong in the 2012 Tour do Brasil / Volta de Sao Paulo (ID 2324):
- Stage 1 is actually Marília - Bauru, and stage 2 is actually Bauru - São Carlos. "Domingo" and "Segunda", which currently appear as the initial city of these stages, stand for "sunday" and "monday" in Portuguese Razz

Then there are also some minor accent mistakes:
- Race name: São Paulo rather than Sao Paulo;
- Stage 2 and 3: São Carlos, instead of Sao Carlos;
- Stage 7: Campos do Jordão, instead of Jordao;
- Stage 8: Jundiaí instead of Jundiai and São Paulo instead of Sao Paolo.

That's it, thanks for the attention and keep up the great work with the site Smile
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