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 National Championships 2013

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stephane david
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptyMon Jan 14, 2013 10:58 pm

The year 2013 starts with the championships of Uruguay:

12-01-2013 URUGUAY (Tacuarembó) - ITT - 34 KM
1 SOTO PEREIRA Jorge Adelbio
2 PIAS TORRES Nestor Fabian
4 MASCARAÑAS GRANADA Richard Eustaquio

13-01-2013 URUGUAY (Tacuarembó) - RR - 164 KM
2 PIAS TORRES Nestor Fabian
3 DE SOUZA Joan URU19871010
4 FLORES Leonel

LeonCQ wrote:
thanks, added
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptySat Mar 02, 2013 12:17 am

01-03-2013 NAMIBIA (Gross Barmen) - ITT - 40 KM
1 DROBISCH Till 52:06
2 MANS Gerhard +1:56
3 SEIBEB Costa +6:08
4 KÖHNE Heinrich +6:46
5 PAPO Xavier +9:28

Road race will take place on sunday in Windhoek.

LeonCQ wrote:
thanks, added
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptySun Mar 03, 2013 9:28 pm

Result of the South African RR Championships (Elite and U-23 combined) here:
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptyMon Mar 04, 2013 12:17 am

Complete results of the Namibian RR championship:

03-03-2013 NAMIBIA (Windhoek) - RR - 132 KM
1 DROBISCH Till 3:38:50
2 SEIBEB Costa +0:03
3 PETRUS Lotto +8:50
4 KÖHNE Heinrich +8:51
5 KASHULULU Chiponeni Fiffy NAM +10:55
6 BARTH Joze NAM19930425 +13:39
7 PAPO Xavier +14:38
8 MANS Gerhard +20:05
9 HAMUNYELA Johannes NAM +20:07
10 ANANIAS Ananias NAM19861001 +20:09
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptySat Mar 16, 2013 2:30 am

15-03-2013 ARGENTINA (San Luis) - ITT - 40 KM
1 MESSINEO Leandro Carlos 48:55
2 GODOY CENTENO Sergio Daniel +2:02
3 RANQUEHUE Cristian Manuel ARG19820831 +2:33
4 BRIZUELA Gabriel Alejandro +3:12
5 MERIVILLO Juan +3:26
6 PEREYRA Andres Ignacio +3:44
7 RICHARD Gabriel Haracio +5:11
8 FERNANDEZ Gerardo Luis +5:30
9 BARROSO BUZZI Fernando Oscar +5:39
10 AGOSTINI Mauro Andres ARG19891018 +6:11
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptySat Mar 16, 2013 10:17 pm

Rory wrote:
15-03-2013 ARGENTINA (San Luis) - ITT - 40 KM
5 MERIVILLO Juan +3:26
I think the correct spelling of his name is MELIVILO Juan and his UCI code is ARG19890422

LeonCQ wrote:
all done/added
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptyMon Mar 18, 2013 2:08 am

17-03-2013 ARGENTINA (San Luis) - RR - 175.2 KM
1 JUAREZ VERON Gabriel Nicolas 4:01:10
2 LOPARDO Franco Eric +0:06
3 MELIVILO Juan +0:06
4 TOLOSA Sebastian Jose +0:24
5 LOPEZ Alberto Gustavo +0:24
6 FRAYSSE Agustin Sebastian ARG19881124 +0:24
7 TORRES Matias Ismael +0:24
8 ARONE Claudio Marcelo +0:24
9 ARGIRO Alvaro Antonio +0:24
10 BIONDO Lionel +0:24
11 RICHARD Gabriel Haracio +0:24
12 DOTTI Juan Pablo +0:24
13 IBARRA Emiliano David +0:24
14 GODOY CENTENO Sergio Daniel +0:24
15 SALDAÑO PUJADO Saul Emanuel +0:24
16 PATALAGOYTIA Mario Jesus +0:24
17 QUILCI Alejandro ARG19870712 +0:24
18 TADEO Mariano ARG19760711 +0:24
19 JUAREZ Daniel Omar +0:24
20 PEREYRA Andres Ignacio +0:24
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptyThu Apr 04, 2013 12:14 am

29-03-2013 CHILE (Puerto Montt) - ITT - 40 KM
1 ZUÑIGA Gerson 46:02
2 HUMIRE ENCALADA Cristian Alejandro +0:34
3 PEREDO Juan CHI +1:15
4 RECART Felipe CHI +6:00
5 RODRIGUEZ AGUILAR Jose Luis CHI19940601 +8:28
6 BUSTAMANTE German Alfredo CHI19931101 +8:37
7 BURMANN LITTIN Wolfgang Miguel +10:23
8 CARRASCO Juan CHI +11:01
9 REYES RAMOS Pablo Matias CHI1990305 +14:48
10 FLORES BURGOS Hans Hollyver CHI19941112 +14:19

31-03-2013 CHILE (Puerto Montt) - RR - 140 KM
1 GARCES Julio CHI19871017 3:40:03
3 ZUÑIGA Gerson
5 ZUÑIGA Rodrigo CHI
6 HUMIRE ENCALADA Cristian Alejandro
7 VERA DEY Diego Arturo
Note: these are only the results of the elite RR championship, whereas this actually was a combined U23 and elite championship. However the results (you can find these here: http://www.ccmelipulli.cl/resultados-nacional-de-ciclismo-en-ruta-2013) only show these categories seperately. Additionally, both of them have finished in the exact same time, as a result of this you can not make up the final placings.
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptyMon Apr 08, 2013 5:37 pm

29-03-2013 Lesotho (Maseru) – ITT – 30 km
1 LES19840922 MONESE, Phetetso 00:47:52
2 LES19871101 MACHERE, Jonase +1:23
3 LES19921015 TOHLANG, Lechesa +2:38
4 LES19780912 MAKATILE, Moeketsi +2:41
5 LES19820314 TAABE, Tumisang +3:03

30-03-2013 Lesotho (Maseru) – RR – 129.6 km
1 LES19910101 KHANTSI, Teboho 3:52:52
2 LES19871101 MACHERE, Jonase +4:05
3 LES19840922 MONESE, Phetetso +4:05
4 LES19780912 MAKATILE, Moeketsi +12:41
5 LES19820314 TAABE, Tumisang +17:57
6 LES19770404 MALEFANE, Morie +23:55
7 LES19870704 CHAOLE, Thapelo +1 Lap
8 LES19921015 TOHLANG, Lechesa +2 Laps
9 LES19910101 KHOARAHLA, Sechaba +3 Laps
10 LES19940917 SEBOKA, Matala +4 Laps
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptyMon Apr 22, 2013 4:09 pm

19-04-2013 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (Santo Domingo) - ITT - 40 KM
1 MINIER Rodny 56:17
2 PEÑA Heriberto +1:58
3 PERALTA Julio Cesar +2:34
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Number of posts : 653
Registration date : 2009-03-07

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptyTue Apr 23, 2013 12:15 am

Sorry for the delay, I'll add these the coming days.
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptyThu Apr 25, 2013 5:16 pm

21-04-2013 ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA - ITT - 30.6 KM
1 BRIDGES Jyme 44:09
2 MARSH Robert Frances +0:36
3 SPENCER Marvin +0:45
4 SIMON Andre +1:11
5 RICHARDSON Dale +3:21
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptyThu May 09, 2013 9:40 pm

09-05-2013 AUSTRIA (Offenhausen) - ITT - 22.5 KM
1 BRÄNDLE Matthias 27:39
2 GRAF Andreas +0:08
3 HOFER Andreas +0:16
4 MEINGAST Friedrich +0:48
5 KRATOCHVILA Jakub +0:50
6 SCHULTUS Patric +0:55
7 BENETSEDER Josef +0:59
8 LECHNER Petr +1:08
9 MÜHLBACHER Thomas +1:09
10 BRUS Alexander +1:14
Note: The Austrian time trial championships are an 'open' championship, so foreign participants were also allowed to start.
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptyTue May 21, 2013 11:34 pm

10-05-2013 CYPRUS (Pervolia) - ITT - 18 KM
1 ATHANASIADES Marios 25:24
3 LOIZOU Christos CYP19940430
4 NICOLAOU Andreas

12-05-2013 CYPRUS (Alambra) - RR
1 ATHANASIADES Marios 2:59:24
2 LOIZOU Christos CYP19940430 +0:24
3 FATTAS Giorgos +0:30
4 IOANNOU Marios CYP +11:44
5 NICOLAOU Andreas +11:44
6 KOUTSIOU Eirinaios +33:40
Note: This is only the elite result. Juniors competed in the same race

More results can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/CyprusActiveLife
Maybe there is someone on this forum who could decipher the documents.
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stephane david

Number of posts : 1510
Age : 63
Woonplaats : Paris area
Registration date : 2009-08-18

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptyMon May 27, 2013 6:38 pm

Distance for USA Nat. Champ ITT was 31 km.
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Number of posts : 1174
Registration date : 2012-01-19

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptyTue May 28, 2013 7:30 pm

I had a look at the history of the United States Road Race National Championships and I noticed that the results from 1999 until 2005 were missing. On the contrary the results of the ITT are present.
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Number of posts : 653
Registration date : 2009-03-07

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptyWed May 29, 2013 1:06 am

frenchfan wrote:
I had a look at the history of the United States Road Race National Championships and I noticed that the results from 1999 until 2005 were missing. On the contrary the results of the ITT are present.

Until 2005, the USProChamps took place during the Philadelphia International Championships. After 2005, this race continued without NCh-status:

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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptyWed May 29, 2013 2:44 pm

12-05-2013 BRUNEI (Bandar Seri Begawan) - RR - 125 KM
1 AZMI Bin Abd Hadizid 3:15:40
2 WAN MOHAMMED YOUSOF Wan Mohamed Najmee MAS19830122 +1:58
3 ABD AZIZ Muhammad I'maadi +2:13
4 ABD AZIZ Muhammad Raihaan +2:32
5 YUSOP Reduan Bin +4:30
6 JOHOR Ahmad Rifa'ie +4:30
7 MOHAMAD HALID Bin Sata +5:42
8 MILDENHALL Andrew NZL19750626 +6:03
9 AWANG Muhammad Nurhaimin +7:03
10 SAIT Abdul Mumin BRU19870730 +7:05
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptySat Jun 01, 2013 7:15 pm

Rory wrote:
12-05-2013 CYPRUS (Alambra) - RR
1 ATHANASIADES Marios 2:59:24
2 LOIZOU Christos CYP19940430 +0:24
3 FATTAS Giorgos +0:30
4 IOANNOU Marios CYP +11:44
5 NICOLAOU Andreas +11:44
6 KOUTSIOU Eirinaios +33:40
Note: This is only the elite result. Juniors competed in the same race

More results can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/CyprusActiveLife
Maybe there is someone on this forum who could decipher the documents.
I gave it a try and I think that the full result of the road race, including the Juniors, is:
1 ATHANASIADES Marios 2:59:24
2 PETRIDES Andreas (CYP19950324) +0
3 PALTAYIAN Demos (CYP19951207) +0

4 LOIZOU Christos CYP19940430 +0:24
5 FATTAS Giorgos +0:30
6 DEMETRIADES Andreas (CYP19960527) +10:04
7 AKONAS Giorgios (CYP19960511) +10:09

8 IOANNOU Marios CYP19750803 +11:44
9 NICOLAOU Andreas +11:44
10 KOUTSIOU Eirinaios +33:40
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Number of posts : 653
Registration date : 2009-03-07

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptySun Jun 02, 2013 1:43 am

Thank you all!
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptyTue Jun 04, 2013 8:34 pm

01/06 National Championships Eritrea I.T.T.
9th is not Merih SOLOMON but Meron SOLOMON
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Number of posts : 653
Registration date : 2009-03-07

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptyTue Jun 04, 2013 10:37 pm

Hans wrote:
01/06 National Championships Eritrea I.T.T.
9th is not Merih SOLOMON but Meron SOLOMON
Some questions abou the Eritrean results:
Meron SOLOMON's birthdate according to UCI result is ERI19920101, CQ: 19891109.

And in the road race, I see this duo:
15 GEBREMEDHIN Simon ERI19920205 > not in CQ database, but has birthdate of GEBREMEDHIN Awit at CQ
16 GHEBREMEDHIN Awet ERI19920228 > so: different birtdate

Can maybe anyone sort this out?
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptyWed Jun 05, 2013 11:48 am

LeonCQ wrote:

Some questions about the Eritrean results:
Meron SOLOMON's birthdate according to UCI result is ERI19920101, CQ: 19891109.

And in the road race, I see this duo:
15 GEBREMEDHIN Simon ERI19920205 > not in CQ database, but has birthdate of GEBREMEDHIN Awit at CQ
16 GHEBREMEDHIN Awet ERI19920228 > so: different birtdate

Can maybe anyone sort this out?
I would ignore the codes in the UCI results as there seem to be many more errors.

Apart from the three examples you mention there are several other riders in the results where the code is different from the “usual” one (be it UCI or CQ)
For instance:
AMANUEL Meron ERI19900616 instead of ERI19900610
FISSAHAYE Jonas ERI19930210 instead of ERI19910106
OKBAMARIAM TESFOM Issak ERI19920205 instead of ERI19910228
ABDELKADIR Efrem ERI19920216 instead of ERI19910812

GHEBREMEDHIN Awet is ERI19920228 in the UCI result, but when you click on his name you get his UCI rider page where he is again ERI19920205

There are also riders in the results where the code does not correspond with the age, as the year of birth and age do not add up to 2013 (5, 6, 20, 28, 33, 40, 47, 57, 63, 65 in the RR result)

Remains the question, who were really 15th and 16th in the RR.
I would vote for:
15 GEBREMEDHIN Simon (but leave his code blank as was already the case in the Championships results of the UCI in 2011 and 2012)
16 GEBREMEDHIN Awet ERI19920205
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptyWed Jun 05, 2013 1:53 pm

29-05-2013 PHILIPPINES (Tarlac City) - RR - 151.4 KM
1 LIM Rustom 3:59:48
2 ORANZA Ronald +0:42
3 CASAYURAN Denver +0:44
4 BONZO Mark +1:53
5 LAPAZA Riemon PHI19861224 +1:58
6 SICAM Harvey +2:01
7 CRISOSTOMO Joel PHI19900327 +2:03
8 NAVARRO Elmer +2:23
9 SERAPIO Ryan PHI19891219 +2:38
10 DAILEG Mark Joseph PHI +3:00

30-05-2013 PHILIPPINES (Tarlac City) - ITT - 30 KM
1 ORANZA Ronald 0:47:15
2 LIM Rustom +1:06
3 RAVINA Baler Jonipher +1:31
4 SICAM Harvey +1:32
5 LAPAZA Riemon PHI19861224 +1:53
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 EmptyWed Jun 05, 2013 2:14 pm

25-05-2013 MALAWI (Mzuzu) - RR - 150 KM
1 KATHUMBA Missi 3:24:07
2 KAIRA Kwame
3 MISOLOH Mothiniah MAW19841223
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National Championships 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2013   National Championships 2013 Empty

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National Championships 2013
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