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 National Championships 2023

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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2023 Empty
PostSubject: National Championships 2023   National Championships 2023 EmptyMon May 01, 2023 7:41 pm

8/1/2023 - National Championships Australia (Ballerat) R.R.
51 NESBITT Georgia +10’39”
52 MITSIGEORGIS Nicole +12’56”

MichelCQ wrote:
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2023 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2023   National Championships 2023 EmptySun May 07, 2023 2:10 pm

17/2/2023 - National Championships Pakistan (Peshawar) I.T.T.
9 BIBI Nimra +27’53”

19/2/2023 - National Championships Pakistan (Peshawar) R.R.

25/3/2023 - National Championships Uruguay (Fray Bentos) I.T.T. - 10 km
12 ZABALA PUIG María Eugenia instead of ZABALA PUIG María Carolina

26/3/2023 - National Championships Uruguay (Fray Bentos) R.R. - 91 km

MichelCQ wrote:
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2023 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2023   National Championships 2023 EmptyFri May 19, 2023 8:47 pm

7/5/2023 - National Championships El Salvador (San Luis Talpa) I.T.T. - 24 km

14/5/2023 - National Championships El Salvador (San Salvador) R.R. - 98 km
1 SHI PIMENTEL Sauking Raquel 2h58’26”
2 TORRES Serena Jeanette +2”
3 ESTRADA VILLALTA Xenia Tomasa +3”
4 VALLADARES NUÑEZ Yanci Carolina +33”
5 MARTINEZ ZALDAÑA Saira Massiel +13’13”
6 BOLAÑOS Iris Ivette +13’13”
7 CARCAMO RODRIGUEZ Gabriela Susana +23’17”
(It was a combined Elite and U23 race)

MichelCQ wrote:
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2023 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2023   National Championships 2023 EmptyTue May 30, 2023 2:08 pm

12/5/2023 - National Championships Bolivia (Villazon) I.T.T.

21/5/2023 - National Championships Nigeria (Port Harcourt) R.R.
1 UKPESERAYE Ese 2h34’24”
3 ERNEST Happiness

MichelCQ wrote:
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2023 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2023   National Championships 2023 EmptySat Jun 03, 2023 8:43 pm

21/5/2023 - National Championships Nigeria (Port Harcourt) R.R.
1 UKPESERAYE Ese 2h34’24”
2 SAMUEL Mary +20”
3 ERNEST Happiness (NGR20010404) +1’28”
4 COXSON Treasure Melubari (NGR20011112) +1’32”
5 MARCUS Rosemary +5’51”
6 GRIKPA Tombrapa Gladys (NGR19930909) +7’05”
7 ANGULUM Doris (NGR20050710) +9’16”
8 ALASEBIETON Deborah (NGR20030518) +28’26”
9 AYUBA Grace (NGR20021103) +28’26”
10 YEKEEN Tawakalt +32’17”

26/5/2023 - National Championships Panama (Chitré) I.T.T. - 30.5 km

28/5/2023 - National Championships Panama (Chitré) R.R. - 70.5 km

MichelCQ wrote:

The UCI (and CQ Women) give results of the Championships of Uzbekistsan ITT on 8/5 and RR on 12/5, but these championships never took place on these dates.
In fact the championship results were made up out of the results of the UCI 1.2 races Tour of Bostonliq ITT on 13/5 and Tour of Bostonliq II on 14/5, by deleting the non-Uzbek riders.
This way the Uzbek riders have gotten twice UCI and CQ points for the same races.
It can be corrected by either deleting the championships or by keeping them (on the correct date) without giving CQ points a second time. The latter was the solution in CQ Men with a Race Comment.

MichelCQ wrote:
The championship results are not exactly the same as the Tour of Bostonliq
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2023 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2023   National Championships 2023 EmptyTue Jun 06, 2023 9:29 pm

Hans wrote:
The UCI (and CQ Women) give results of the Championships of Uzbekistsan ITT on 8/5 and RR on 12/5, but these championships never took place on these dates.
In fact the championship results were made up out of the results of the UCI 1.2 races Tour of Bostonliq ITT on 13/5 and Tour of Bostonliq II on 14/5, by deleting the non-Uzbek riders.
This way the Uzbek riders have gotten twice UCI and CQ points for the same races.
It can be corrected by either deleting the championships or by keeping them (on the correct date) without giving CQ points a second time. The latter was the solution in CQ Men with a Race Comment.

MichelCQ wrote:
The championship results are not exactly the same as the Tour of Bostonliq

There are indeed some minor discrepancies between the NC and Bostonliq results of the Women, but I am convinced that there have been no separate NC races with just a few days difference.
In the international Bostonliq 1.2 race for Men there were 18 Uzbek riders amongst the 54 finishers. According to the UCI results these same 18 riders finished two days earlier, in exactly the same order, a separate RR championships race. Sometimes there are coïncidences, but not 18 at the same time…

MichelCQ wrote:
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