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 National Championships 2009

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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2009 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2009   National Championships 2009 - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 09, 2009 5:49 pm

06-12-2009 PERU - (LIMA) - RR
1º Alejandro Ancco Mamani PER19850111 Inca Arequipa Arequipa 3h 50′42″,07
2º Victor Ancco Rojas PER19760420 Team San Juan Lima 3h 50′50″,46
3º Jhon Cunto Gonzales PER19791117 Huanta Ayacucho 3h 51′42″,83
4º Mariano Melgar Garcia PER19830926 Evolutión Cycling Team Piura 3h 51′42″,90
5º Jose leibnisz Portocarrero Montoya PER19841105 JMR chimbote Chimbote 3h 51′42″,91
6º Gustavo Orellana Castillo PER19810618 Eco ciclismo Lima 3h 51′49″,70
7º Ronald Luza Callo PER 19850716 Inca Arequipa Arequipa 3h 54′57″,25
8º Daniel Francisco Aquije Huarcaya PER19860506 Ciclo Pisco Pisco 3h 54′57″,30
9º Erick Francisco Moy Campos PER19760501 JMR chimbote Chimbote 3h 54′58″,79
10º Hidalgo Angeles Ayala PER19810927 BELIMF Lima 3h 54′58″,90
11º Victor Jesus Campusmana Gonzales PER19811224 Ciclista Chincha Chincha 3h 57′11″,46
12º Wilson Manuel Jaime Peralta PER19800829 Bicileo Trujillo 4h 12′39″,70
13º Richard Felix Campusmana Gonzales PER19850327 Ciclista Chincha Chincha 4h 18′08″,22
14º Oscar Zuñiga Gonzales PER19751111 JMR chimbote Chimbote 4h 19′27″,55
15º Luis Miguel Hernandez Pacheco PER19850310 Ciclo Pisco Pisco 4h 25′20″,30
16º Jorge Rambo Maldonado Pachas PER19850415 Ciclo Pisco Pisco 4h 25′20″,34
17º Arturo Palomino Morá PER19810725 BELIMF Lima 4h 30′13″,53
18º Mario Suito Sánchez Ayscorbe PER19621101 BICIMAX Lima 4h 35′15″,93

LeonCQ wrote:
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Number of posts : 777
Registration date : 2009-10-01

National Championships 2009 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2009   National Championships 2009 - Page 2 EmptyMon Dec 28, 2009 11:31 pm

Rory wrote:

18-10-2009 CAYMAN ISLANDS - (SOUTH SOUND) – ITT – 16,1 KM
1. Jerome Ameline
2. Jasper Mikkelsen
3. Eugene Bonthuys
4. Michael Stomps
5. Martin van Zyl
LeonCQ wrote:
added, thanks!!!
This race still appears as "waiting for" on CQ. Maybe because you noted the posted result is not correct?
Thats from another TT - The November 22 Reefathlon: http://www.cicycling.com/CICYCLING/News/Entries/2009/11/22_Young_guns_take_the_money.html
This site should contain the TT Champs results (I think) but ist just the sign in paper showing
Anyways Jasper Mikkelsen is Danish: http://iamtri.com/profile/JasperMikkelsen
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Number of posts : 777
Registration date : 2009-10-01

National Championships 2009 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2009   National Championships 2009 - Page 2 EmptyMon Dec 28, 2009 11:34 pm

Jaroslav wrote:
No points were given to the top3 Liechtensteiner for the National RR championship.
Still no cq-points for this race

2009 Elite-2

11/10/2009 NC4 1 National Championships Liechtenstein (Rivera, SUI) R.R. 0
20/09/2009 NCT4 1 National Championships Liechtenstein (Vaduz) I.T.T. 12
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2009 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2009   National Championships 2009 - Page 2 EmptyTue Dec 29, 2009 1:37 am

Jaroslav wrote:
Rory wrote:

18-10-2009 CAYMAN ISLANDS - (SOUTH SOUND) – ITT – 16,1 KM
1. Jerome Ameline
2. Jasper Mikkelsen
3. Eugene Bonthuys
4. Michael Stomps
5. Martin van Zyl
LeonCQ wrote:
added, thanks!!!
This race still appears as "waiting for" on CQ. Maybe because you noted the posted result is not correct?
Thats from another TT - The November 22 Reefathlon: http://www.cicycling.com/CICYCLING/News/Entries/2009/11/22_Young_guns_take_the_money.html
This site should contain the TT Champs results (I think) but ist just the sign in paper showing
Anyways Jasper Mikkelsen is Danish: http://iamtri.com/profile/JasperMikkelsen

I found the results of the national time trial championships of the Cayman Islands on this website:
http://www.caycompass.com/cgi-bin/CFPnews.cgi?ID=10386766 So the results are probably correct.
The national road race championships were by the way cancelled. They were supposed to be held at the 20th of september, but a crash (with no serious injuries) with 8 riders occurred this. You can read the full report of this here: http://www.cicycling.com/CICYCLING/News/Entries/2009/9/20_A_tough_ending_to_the_Road_Race_Champs.html
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Number of posts : 777
Registration date : 2009-10-01

National Championships 2009 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2009   National Championships 2009 - Page 2 EmptyTue Dec 29, 2009 11:13 pm

OK I think you are right. I mistook the result you posted for the Reef TT from september.

It seems that Cayman Islands have a fairly loose conception of nationality. Jerome Ameline is described as French a lot of places but also as reigning Cayman Islands ITT champ. Jasper Mikkelsen calls himself Danish but also appears in some results as (CAY)

Sorry for confusion - still my question is why this race appears under waiting for at CQ
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Number of posts : 653
Registration date : 2009-03-07

National Championships 2009 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2009   National Championships 2009 - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 30, 2009 2:48 am

Jaroslav wrote:
Sorry for confusion - still my question is why this race appears under waiting for at CQ
That was because we were busy, but also puzzling...

We decided to register the top-5 of the Cayman Islands TT with the Cayman Isles nationality. Although some or all of them might be foreigners, they were racing with a Cayman Isles license, as none of them had any results in other countries.

So Cayman TT is added now.

Another difficult situation is when the national champs of a small country, with only a handful of competitors, is organized "inside" another race, like the Liechtenstein championships. We do not always have the exact information about it, but we tend to not giving any CQ points in such a situation, or reward only the riders that have finished in the overall top-10 with the points referring to that position.

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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2009 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2009   National Championships 2009 - Page 2 EmptySun Jan 03, 2010 7:16 pm

08-12-2009 LEBANON - (BEIRUT) - RR - 105 KM
1. EL HAGE Zaher 2h 52min
2. ARAB Abdullah 2h 52min
3. LIANE Samir 2h 52min

I've also posted teh results of the southeast asian and east asian games in the 2009 results topic.
I don't know if you want to add these results. I saw you've done it in 2007 with the 2007 southeast asian games. So it's up to you.
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Number of posts : 653
Registration date : 2009-03-07

National Championships 2009 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2009   National Championships 2009 - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 04, 2010 12:44 am

Rory wrote:
08-12-2009 LEBANON - (BEIRUT) - RR - 105 KM
1. EL HAGE Zaher 2h 52min
2. ARAB Abdullah 2h 52min
3. LIANE Samir 2h 52min

I've also posted teh results of the southeast asian and east asian games in the 2009 results topic.
I don't know if you want to add these results. I saw you've done it in 2007 with the 2007 southeast asian games. So it's up to you.
Thanks. About SEA Games: we'll add these, but as there are no CQ points rewarded, we postponed it.
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Number of posts : 794
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2009 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2009   National Championships 2009 - Page 2 EmptySat Mar 06, 2010 3:19 pm

Some missing results of national championships from last year:

13-09-2009 ANDORRA - ITT
1. David ALBÓS 135 points
2. David FERNANDEZ 119
3. Francesc POUJARNISCLE 112
4. Toni CASALS 105
5. Jaume MORALES 100
6. Samuel PONCE 79
7. Armand JESUS 64
8. Jaume PAMIES 61
8. Marc VILA 61
10. Albert GOMEZ 59
The results are based on a point-classafication after three timetrials.

1. ZAPATA Arnold 30m 31s
2. CESPEDES Juan Carlos
3. ACARAPI David

18-10-2009 FIJI - RR
1. YALIDOLE Mesaka - 20h 36m 18s
2. TIKOTANI Jope - at 1h 8m 16s
3. LAL George - at 4h 38m 34s
As you can see, this championship is based on a classification after multiple races.
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2009 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2009   National Championships 2009 - Page 2 EmptyWed Sep 15, 2010 9:23 pm

When searching for UCI codes of riders from Moldova I noticed that the 2009 ITT and RR Championship results of CQ are quite different from those on the UCI site.

UCI gives the following:
1 Serghei TVETCOV 35:04
2 Sergiu CIOBAN 35:05
3 Oleg BERDOS 37:17
4 Alexandr BRAICO 37:48
5 Vasile CAPUSCEAC 38:21
6 Roman TOMENIUC 38:29
7 Viorel FINITINA 38:35
8 Jgori PUGACI 38:38
9 Ivan BERDOS 38:53
10 Roman CANTELEARIST 38:59

1 Oleg BERDOS 3:47:52
2 Alexandr BRAICO 3:47:52
3 Sergiu CIOBAN 3:47:52
4 Serghei TVETCOV 3:47:52
5 Roman TOMENIUC 3:52:07
6 Jgori PUGACI 3:52:07
7 Viorel FINITINA 3:52:07
8 Ivan BERDOS 3:52:07
9 Vasile CAPUSCEAC 3:52:07
10 Alexandru CIUPIN 3:52:07

LeonCQ wrote:
strange. First thought was that the UCI failed to add the u23-riders, but that idea was wrong. Changed now, I guess the UCI will be right here.
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2009 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2009   National Championships 2009 - Page 2 EmptyThu Sep 30, 2010 8:40 pm

11th in the 2009 ITT Championship of Ukraine was not Sergiy GOMENYUK but Volodymyr GOMENYUK

LeonCQ wrote:
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2009 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2009   National Championships 2009 - Page 2 EmptyFri Dec 02, 2011 10:08 pm

RR Championships of Morocco (30/05/2009)
Flag of number 15 EL AMAL Mustapha should be MAR instead of ALG
MarkCQ wrote:
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2009 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2009   National Championships 2009 - Page 2 EmptyFri Nov 02, 2012 8:39 pm

05.09.2009 - National Championships Ireland - ITT
The missing names in the top ten are:
9. Mark GREER (IRL19680618) +4'04"
10. Conor MCALLISTER +4’13”
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2009 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2009   National Championships 2009 - Page 2 EmptyFri Dec 07, 2012 10:06 pm

Hans wrote:
05.09.2009 - National Championships Ireland - ITT
The missing names in the top ten are:
9. Mark GREER (IRL19680618) +4'04"
10. Conor MCALLISTER +4’13”
Overlooked Question
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Number of posts : 1174
Registration date : 2012-01-19

National Championships 2009 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2009   National Championships 2009 - Page 2 EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 11:00 pm

Still missing

Rory wrote:
Some missing results of national championships from last year:

13-09-2009 ANDORRA - ITT
1. David ALBÓS 135 points
2. David FERNANDEZ 119
3. Francesc POUJARNISCLE 112
4. Toni CASALS 105
5. Jaume MORALES 100
6. Samuel PONCE 79
7. Armand JESUS 64
8. Jaume PAMIES 61
8. Marc VILA 61
10. Albert GOMEZ 59
The results are based on a point-classafication after three timetrials.

1. ZAPATA Arnold 30m 31s
2. CESPEDES Juan Carlos
3. ACARAPI David

18-10-2009 FIJI - RR
1. YALIDOLE Mesaka - 20h 36m 18s
2. TIKOTANI Jope - at 1h 8m 16s
3. LAL George - at 4h 38m 34s
As you can see, this championship is based on a classification after multiple races.
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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

National Championships 2009 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2009   National Championships 2009 - Page 2 EmptyFri Sep 25, 2015 12:11 pm

It seems that the last three posts above have never been followed up.

The combined U23, Elite-2 and Veteran top 10 of the ITT Championships of Ireland held 05.09.2009 is:
1 David McCann 50:06
2 Aaron Buggle +1:53
3 Martin Irvine +2:55
4 Con Collis +3:06
5 Thomas Martin +3:10
6 Bryan McCrystal +3:22
7 Neil Delahaye +3:50
8 Stephen Barrett +4:02
9 Mark Greer (IRL19680618) +4:04
10 Conor McAllister +4:11
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Number of posts : 653
Registration date : 2009-03-07

National Championships 2009 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Championships 2009   National Championships 2009 - Page 2 EmptySun Feb 18, 2018 12:49 am

all done
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National Championships 2009 - Page 2 Empty
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