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 About Doping

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Number of posts : 58
Registration date : 2014-07-26

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PostSubject: Re: About Doping   About Doping - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 22, 2014 8:01 pm

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Number of posts : 4148
Registration date : 2009-08-17

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PostSubject: Re: About Doping   About Doping - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 23, 2014 11:52 am

sammieCQ wrote:
I believe the CQ team should review the approach in updating results based on riders being stripped of results due to UCI decisions.   Probably we should just make notes in the results, and putting an asterisk to revised results, rather than updating the data (and shift up all the other riders in the race) ...

I am not saying that you have to copy the UCI, but for info, according to the official Rules and Regulations the UCI handles disqualifications as follows:

One Day Races
If a rider is disqualified before the result of the race is sanctioned, the individual classification and,where applicable, the team classification shall be adjusted.
If a rider is disqualified after the result of the race has been sanctioned, the individual classification shall be adjusted, if applicable, for the first 20 places only.
For the rest the place of the disqualified rider shall be left open.
If applicable, the team classification shall be adjusted completely.

Stage Races
If a rider is disqualified before the result of the race is sanctioned, all classifications shall be adjusted.
If a rider is disqualified after the result of the race has been sanctioned, the general individual classification shall be adjusted, if applicable, for the first 3 places only. The 4th place remains vacant.
If a rider is disqualified because of a violation committed during a stage that he won, the second rider on the stage takes the first place.
If the winner of another classification than the general individual classification is disqualified, the second rider on that classification takes the first place.
For the rest the place of the disqualified rider shall be left open.
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Number of posts : 653
Registration date : 2009-03-07

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PostSubject: Re: About Doping   About Doping - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 23, 2014 11:19 pm

vino_93 wrote:
It's not only clean the ranking, but have the right palmares. Sayar officially didn't win the Tour of Turkey, but it's Berhane now. So personally yes, I think it's important to "clean" it. And CQ started to do this.
There is a difference between doping DQ's of riders after a positive test in a race or o-o-c-control, and a DQ like Armstrong and his henchmen or blood passport DQ's.
It feels very annoying tot strip the results of a rider for a couple of years. So like sammieCQ mentions, we will make RiderComments or notes in a race. But this remains a big load of work, and we haven't found time for it yet, neither the exact way to do it.

But Sayar's and other "normal" doping test violations, we will surely implement them in the results. Anyhow the priority goes to doping cases that influence the actual CQ ranking. Sayar's final decision has been made more than 1 year after the race in which he tested positive.
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Number of posts : 69
Registration date : 2010-02-10

About Doping - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: About Doping   About Doping - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 27, 2014 2:30 pm

sammieCQ wrote:
I believe the CQ team should review the approach in updating results based on riders being stripped of results due to UCI decisions.   Probably we should just make notes in the results, and putting an asterisk to revised results, rather than updating the data (and shift up all the other riders in the race) ...

E.g. does anyone have a clear view on who won the Vuelta in 2005 ?   Heras ? Menchov ? Sastre ?  
Thank you very much for your answer. I'm happy to read that you have finally understood, it's perfect!!! Smile
It's already what i suggested when I created this topic 4 years ago...
So yes, if you stop to remove/cancel the results and if you just put a note like you do for other things (if you have the time of course, it's not the most important), it's the best way!!! Wink
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